Our very active Peace and Justice group is an integral part of the school, bringing to life the Catholic ethos that lies at the heart of our school community.
The Peace and Justice group is a dedicated group of community minded volunteers, open to students from all year groups. Meeting each Monday at 1.20 in G8, the Peace and Justice group work as part of a closely-knit community of nationwide ERST schools to work for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation and Sustainability in the world around us.

Back Row (left to right): Lorcan Millward (Vice Chairperson), Alessandro Hutton (P.R.O.), Shahriar Uddin (P.R.O.) Ms. Canavan ( Student Leadership Co-Ordinator)
Front Row (left to right): Paddy Walshe (Chairperson), Brian Farrell (Secretary)

Back Row (left to right): Tyler Ryan, Ms. Cullen (Peace & Justice Co-Ordinator), Craig Power
Front Row (left to right): Paddy Walshe (Chairperson), Brian Farrell (Secretary)
Among their many activities, the group co-ordinates our school’s annual participation in the St. Vincent De Paul Christmas appeal and Lions Club events to support the less well off in our communities. The Christmas Shoebox Appeal is also an annual event in our school where we turn our thoughts and efforts to supporting those in the developing world. The school also runs events such as walks and runs to raise money for those in need.
Currently the focus of the group is the School of Sanctuary Initiative which encourages a school environment of acceptance of all students and cultures.