Pictured: Franek Dobronski (Transition Year) addressing Seanad na nÓg 2023
Debating & Public Speaking
Debate is a valuable activity for students of all skill levels. Debate teaches useful skills for other academic pursuits and life more generally. Debaters build confidence speaking in public and expressing their ideas eloquently. That comfort speaking in front of others is useful in so many areas of life, from interviews to school presentations to discussions in college and work. The benefits of debating are not limited to the skills built while students are speaking—the preparation for competition teaches critical thinking and research skills. St. Mary's Academy CBS values the role of debate and public speaking in class and as part of a holistic education. We promote opportunities for students to get involved in school, local and national competitions.
12th November 2024 - Europe Direct Public Speaking competition
Well done to the six students who represented us so well at the Europe Direct Public Speaking competition in Waterford's City Hall today. And a special well done to the superb Jan Flesjzar, who was runner up in the over 17 category, with his entertaining take on whether AI is a threat to humanity. CBS was ably represented by first years Marwan Elsadig and Adyan Hossain, fifth years Caleb Noctor and Alif Sadat and sixth years Jarif Akbar and Jan Flesjzar. They spoke about AI in education, in medicine, in the economy and the world of work. We are so proud of the boys and how hard they worked to entertain and inform the audience. They were superb.
Pictured: Jan Flesjzar, Caleb Noctor, Alif Sadat, Jarif Akbar, Marwan Elsadig and Adyan Hossain competing in the Europe Direct Public Speaking competition in Waterford's City Hall 2024
Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh - Gael Linn
Beatha teanga í a labhairt. Is fíor an ráiteas sin maidir le foireann díospóireachta Acadamh Mhuire Cheatharlach. An chloch is mó ar phaidrín na scoile ná chun na daltaí a spreagadh chun Gaeilge a labhairt sa seomra ranga agus timpeall na scoile agus an teanga a chur i lár an aonaigh i saol na scoile.
Eagraíodh turais go dtí an Ghaeltacht. Ghlac na daltaí páirt go fonnmhar i ndíospóireachtaí chun a scileanna a thaispeáint don saol mór.
Rinne na múinteoirí agus na daltaí obair na gcapall chun na foirne a ullmhú. Eagraíonn Gael Linn Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh ar leibhéal náisiúnta. Ag tús na bliana glacann níos mó na 150 meanscoileanna páirt sa chomórtas. Sa bhliain 2015 bhuaigh Acadamh Mhuire an Chraobh réigiúnach agus shroich siad craobh na hÉireann den chéad uair riamh i stair na scoile.
Sa bhliain 2017 – Rinne foireann na scoile éacht nuair a bhuaigh siad an chraobh réigiúnach agus shroich siad craobh na hÉireann.
Sa bhliain 2017, d’éirigh go han mhaith le foireann díospóireachta na scoile. Bhuaigh Darragh Mac Giolla Pádraigh Craobh na hÉireann le foireann na hollscoile Gaillimh. Nuair a thiteann an crú ar an táirne taispeánann na torthaí seo go bhfuil Gaeilge d’ardchaighdeán in Acadamh Mhuire.
Tar éis athoscailt na tíre agus scamall an víreas coronach imithe ceapaimid go mbeidh na laethanta is gile romhainn agus tá súil againn go mbeidh an gabhar a róstadh sa scoil arís sa todhchaí.

Pictured: Cian Ray, Jack Deacy, Andrew Vint (Transition Year) competing at the Gael Linn Irish Debates 2022