St. Mary's Academy CBS
- An Edmund Rice School

Learning Support

St Mary’s Academy CBS provides for the education of children with special education needs through a number of support mechanisms depending on each individual’s needs.

We have a dedicated Special Needs Education Team, who have vast experience. Emphasis is placed on inclusivity of all students from the time they arrive in our school. Liaising with primary schools and testing on the day of the Entrance Assessment allows our SEN team to highlight those who may have needs and to highlight areas of strength for our students. All students benefit from our Continuum of Support approach throughout all year groups in the school.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Further support is offered to students where English is not their first language to help the transition into an English-medium school. The breath of support encompasses all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each student is given an individual language support plan which will help them adapt to their English-medium school.

Railway Road, Carlow, Ireland
059 9142419
An Edmund Rice School
© 2025 St. Mary's Academy CBS